Finished cleaning the apartment, showering, and making myself look nice (for a change!).
Listening to Z100.
Some thoughts:
Tonight my parents and my grandma are coming over for dinner and to celebrate my (early) birthday. My gram has never seen our apartment, so I spent most of this morning straightening up and making sure everything looks perfect. I also prepped everything for dinner. I'll be making fettuccine with red sauce and chicken cutlets. My mom is bringing a salad and some fruit. And then comes the best part of the meal: the birthday cake.
Yesterday at work I made myself a small birthday cake. It was so much fun thinking of what I wanted to make. The possibilities were pretty endless. In the end, we decided that a 'serious' cake would be best (since my gram is coming over). So we passed on making a cake with elephants and bubbles, and instead I made a carrot cake with cream cheese filling, covered in sage green fondant, white dots, and a bunch of hand made gum paste flowers. I think it came out really well! A few of my coworkers guided me through it and showed me how to best attach the flowers. It was a great learning experience, and it was fun to make something that was my idea, and not something a client requested.
Overall, I'm really pleased with the results-- AND I had a blast making it. Now, well just have to see if it tastes as good as it looks. (I'll keep you posted!)
Now off to have a quick snack/lunch. Then tonight early dinner/birthday party! woowho!
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